Thursday 23 April 2009

Jaunty Jackalope ready to hop today

Ubuntu 9.04 will be releasing today.thee new version—9.04, codenamed Jaunty Jackalope—includes some useful improvements and delivers higher reliability than the last few Ubuntu releases.

Ubuntu 9.04 will ship with GNOME 2.26, which introduces UPnP support for totem and MAPI support for the Evolution e-mail client. It also includes version 2.6.28 of the Linux kernel, in which the new Ext4 filesystem is designated as stable. Ext4 is included in Ubuntu 9.04, but it is not enabled by default as there are still some potential glitches that need to be resolved before it is robust enough for mainstream use.

Two of the major new features in Ubuntu 9.04 that are unique to the distro are Canonical's new notification system and messaging indicator applet.

It's a major improvement over its predecessors and it delivers a level of robustness that was lacking in the Hardy and Intrepid releases. The situation with PulseAudio has also improved considerably.

The server edition, netbook remix, KDE-based Kubuntu (which will ship with KDE 4.2), and several other variants are also in the release candidate stage. The server edition gained support for Eucalyptus—a cloud computing framework.

Download Ubuntu 9.04 from