Thursday 23 April 2009

Jaunty Jackalope ready to hop today

Ubuntu 9.04 will be releasing today.thee new version—9.04, codenamed Jaunty Jackalope—includes some useful improvements and delivers higher reliability than the last few Ubuntu releases.

Ubuntu 9.04 will ship with GNOME 2.26, which introduces UPnP support for totem and MAPI support for the Evolution e-mail client. It also includes version 2.6.28 of the Linux kernel, in which the new Ext4 filesystem is designated as stable. Ext4 is included in Ubuntu 9.04, but it is not enabled by default as there are still some potential glitches that need to be resolved before it is robust enough for mainstream use.

Two of the major new features in Ubuntu 9.04 that are unique to the distro are Canonical's new notification system and messaging indicator applet.

It's a major improvement over its predecessors and it delivers a level of robustness that was lacking in the Hardy and Intrepid releases. The situation with PulseAudio has also improved considerably.

The server edition, netbook remix, KDE-based Kubuntu (which will ship with KDE 4.2), and several other variants are also in the release candidate stage. The server edition gained support for Eucalyptus—a cloud computing framework.

Download Ubuntu 9.04 from

Saturday 13 December 2008

Windows 7 : Expectations

Pre-beta code for Windows 7 is reportedly already in developers hands.officially, t he OS is slated to appear in early 2010 although some insider do it may arrive before the end of 2009.
As microsoft has already confirmed That Windows 7 would only refine the Vista's was pretty clear that gonna be lok like Vista. But when I got my hands on one of the leaked version of Windows 7,it became clear. Here is an analysis of what Windows 7 may be like :

Although Windows 7 will be built on the same code base as Winduws Vista,a Fundamentals (one of 25 within the Windows 7 development grou p) is working to speed up boot time, in part by trying to reduce tile number of sta rtup services, and to optimize the OS to take better advantage of technlogies.

We know that much awaited multi touch technology is going to be coming to us with Windows 7.Hence guys having touch screens mus keep their fingers in control while using this OS.
Now there is a vibe that taskbar is gonna be improved to support users those who open large number of windows.

This time microsoft is going to remove the baggage of softwares it distributed with windows,like e-mail client and image and video editors to reduce the load.These can be added by the users from Windows Live.

The much criticised User Account Control feature is still gonna be there but Microsoft says now the alerts will be reduced to essential ones.

The new windows will focus on less power consumption to give long life to battery devices.

And as ususual we are going to get some good eye candy graphics.

So guys we must jus wait for the final release..
Till then you can try the Windows 7 image that is floating on internet.